I discovered for the first time these Puffins which are adorable birds in the wild on Skellig Island. They dig burrows to make their nests and live in pairs during the birthing period. Then they leave each other to migrate for the rest of the year before meeting again.

They also have a very personal way of taking flight: they dive towards the void to gain speed, it is certainly because of their small wings!

The birds dig burrows in the hillside, so it is a gallery system in all directions and at one time in competition with rabbits which had been imported to the island.

Puffins look like a sad clown with these geographic shapes drawn on their heads.

This flock of Puffins has found a strategic observation post above the cliff. There are thousands of them in the air circling around the island.

“The Atlantic Puffin, also known as the “sea parrot”, is a species of North Atlantic pelagic seabird which lives in the high seas, except during its reproduction which forces it to reach dry land where it nests on grassy slopes , islands or on cliffs.” says Wikipedia
To see the Puffins:
Visit Skellig island : https://skelligislands.com/
Click here to see all the animals we encountered during our road trip in Ireland
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